watergun painting

Watergun Painting

Published on: Mon 17, April, 2023

Activity Time – Watergun Painting

Are the usual painting sessions with the kids getting a little boring? Add a new twist to make the activity more interesting!

Try using a water gun or spray bottle as your paintbrush!

Tickle the kids’ creativity and watch them freely express their artistic side!


  • Water Gun/Plastic Spray Bottle
  • Liquid Watercolors
  • Watercolor Paper
  • Easel


  1. Place the easel outdoors to avoid unnecessary mess. If the weather doesn’t permit you to perform this activity outdoors, waterproof your floors and walls well. If you do not have an easel, you can tape the watercolor paper onto another surface, like a waterproofed fence, concrete or even a tree!
  1. Have the kids fill the water guns or the plastic spray bottles with liquid watercolors.
  1. Fire away! Spray the water gun or spray bottle at the paper and watch as the paint sprays over the paper, colours mix, and paint drips. Allow the kids to take the lead on this and let their imagination run wild through their art pieces!
  1. Once done, have them sign their name like the true artists that they are!

After the Activity:

  • Ask the kids which part of the activity they found most challenging; The set-up? The activity itself? Or the fact that they had to clean up after? Probe why they found that part a challenge and explain the value of each activity.
  • You can create a portfolio of all the artwork they have created. If they want to do this activity again, praise them for things they have improved and ask them to choose which picture they would like to keep!
  • Have the children name their artwork and ask why they chose this name.
  • Ask the children to plan painting with other kinds of resources like this; perhaps you could try using a salad spinner, a colander or even water balloons. 
International Nanny Institute